
Fiction--Three Skeleton Key--Short Story

Local Objective

At the end of this unit, students will be able to...

a.  Identify events that advance the plot.

b.  Determine how each event creates suspense and foreshadows future actions.

c.  Make predictions.

d.  Determine the meaning of vocabulary.

**Link to "Three Skeleton Key"

a.  Analyze the structure and purpose of informational texts, including a newspaper article.

b.  Use the structural features of newspapers, magazines, and online data to obtain information.

c.  Evaluate the logic, consistency, and structural patterns in informational texts.

Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

1.  The students will be assessed by participating in classroom discussions (guiding questions located throughout teacher textbook and at end of EATOnline printout) and completing independent activities on the objectives of identifying events that advance the plot (handout 45), determining how each event creates suspense and foreshadows future actions, making predictions, and determining the meaning of the selection vocabulary terms (mini-story vocabulary practice handout, handout pg. 2, 45, 48).

2.  At the end of the selection, students will complete a selection test to evaluate the mastery of identifying events that advance the plot (questions 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10), determining how each event creates suspense and foreshadows future actions (questions 3,5,11,13,14,20), making predictions (question 12), and determining the meaning of the selection vocabulary terms (questions 15-19).

3.  After the selection test, students will complete an informational text activity where students will analyze the structure and purpose of informational text, use structural features to obtain information, and evaluate the logic, consistency, and structural patterns (textbook pg. 52).

Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
Wall Chart of Story ElementsPE
"Analyzing a Newspaper Article" QuestionsCR
Selection TestPE
"Response and Analysis" QuestionsCR
Lighthouse LogCR
Vocabulary Check WorksheetMC

Learning Activity

The students will:

1.  Brainstorm what details would be needed in a story to help create a scary setting.  Freewrite ideas.

2.  Read selection vocabulary, determine the meanings, and read sample sentences.  Complete a vocabulary check worksheet. (handouts mini-story vocab. practice, 2, 45,48)

3.  Read the fiction, short story entitled "Three Skeleton Key" by George G. Toudouze.  Participate in discussions during reading.  Identify events in the story that advace the plot.  Determine events that create suspense and/or foreshadow future actions.  Also, make prediction during the reading. (handout 45)

4.  Complete a log entry journal for each day entitled "Lighthouse Log."

5.  Complete a "Response and Analysis" set of questions. (textbook pg. 50)

6.  Write about a good setting for a horror story.  Consider these features of a setting:  sounds, sights, smells, time of day, weather, animal life, and names.

7.  Complete a plot chart. (general handout)

8.  Complete a study guide. (handout)

9.  Take a selection test of the fiction, short story entitled "Three Skeleton Key."

10.  Read the article entitled "Eeking Out a Life."  Analyze the structure and purpose of the informational text, use structural features to obtain information, and evaluate the logic, consistency, and structural patterns.

11.  Analyze a Newspaper Article by answering the questions about "Eeking Out of Life." (page 55)

12.  As a group, students will complete wall chart covering story elements.

Instructional Method

The teacher will:

1.  Ask students to think about a terrifying experience or movie they have watched.  Lead discussion into a brainstorming activity where students think of elements that create a scary setting.

2.  Introduce the selection vocabulary words, meanings, and sample sentences.  Assign a vocabulary check worksheet. (handouts mini-story vocab. practice, 2, 45, 48)

3.  Guide students during the reading of the fiction, short story entitled "Three Skeleton Key" by George G. Toudouze.  Guide discussion throughout the reading.  Help students identify main events that advance the plot, events that create suspense and foreshadows future events, and make predictions. (handout 45)

4.  Discuss and model how to complete the "Lighthouse Log."  (Use the Smart Board)

5.  Discuss and model the "Response and Analysis" questions. 

6.  Discuss and model the writing of a good setting for a horror story.  Help students think about the sounds, sights, smells, time of day, weather, animal life, and names that can be used in the writing of a setting.

7.  Discuss the study guide for the selection test.

8.  Discuss and model how to complete a plot chart. (general handout)

9.  Guide students during the reading of the article "Eeking Out a Life."    Guide students in analyzing the structure and purpose of the informational text, using structural features to obtain information, and evaluating the logic, consistency, and structural patterns.

10.  Discuss and model the "Analyzing A Newspaper Article" questions page 55.

11.  Review selection test and complete wall chart covering all story elements.

Content Standards

CA 1, CA 2, CA 4

Process Standards

2.4, 3.8, 3.7, 1.5, 3.5, 3.4, 1.6, 3.1


Holt Elements of Literature

Marker Board

Smart Board

Correction Exercise


Peer Coaching

Enrichment Exercise

Independent Reading

"Morse Code" research

Special Needs

Peer Coaching


Modified Assignments

GLEs v1.0

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/1/1/E/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processVocabularyGrade 7Develop vocabulary through text, using - roots and affixes - context clues - glossary, dictionary and thesaurus
CA/1/1/F/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processPre-ReadingGrade 7Apply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension - access prior knowledge - preview - predict - set a purpose and rate for reading
CA/1/1/G/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processDuring ReadingGrade 7During reading, utilize strategies to - self-question and correct - infer - visualize - predict and checkusing cueing systems < meaning < structure
CA/1/1/H/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processPost-ReadingGrade 7Apply post-reading skills to comprehend and interpret text - question to clarify - reflect - analyzedraw conclusions - summarize - paraphrase
CA/1/2/C/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate fiction, poetry and drama from a variety of cultures and timesText ElementsGrade 7Use details from text to - identify plot and sub-plot, theme and various types of conflict - analyze cause and effect - identify and explain point of view and mood - determine how an incident foreshadows a future event - evaluate the problem-solving processes of characters and the effectiveness of solutions
CA/1/3/B/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals) from a variety of cultures and timesLiterary DivicesGrade 7Identify and interpret figurative language in nonfiction text (emphasize hyperbole, imagery and symbolism)

GLEs v2.0 and CLEs

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/R/1/E/7/a.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processVocabulary7th GradeDevelop vocabulary through text, using roots and affixes
CA/R/1/E/7/b.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processVocabulary7th GradeDevelop vocabulary through text, using context clues
CA/R/1/E/7/c.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processVocabulary7th GradeDevelop vocabulary through text, using glossary, dictionary and thesaurus
CA/R/1/F/7/a.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processPre-Reading7th GradeApply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension: access prior knowledge
CA/R/1/F/7/b.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processPre-Reading7th GradeApply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension: preview
CA/R/1/F/7/c.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processPre-Reading7th GradeApply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension: predict with evidence
CA/R/1/F/7/d.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processPre-Reading7th GradeApply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension: set a purpose and rate for reading
CA/R/1/G/7/c.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processDuring Reading7th GradeDuring reading, utilize strategies to question the text
CA/R/1/G/7/d.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processDuring Reading7th GradeDuring reading, utilize strategies to infer
CA/R/1/G/7/e.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processDuring Reading7th GradeDuring reading, utilize strategies to visualize
CA/R/1/G/7/f.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processDuring Reading7th GradeDuring reading, utilize strategies to paraphrase
CA/R/1/G/7/g.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processDuring Reading7th GradeDuring reading, utilize strategies to summarize
CA/R/1/I/7/a.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processMaking Connections7th GradeCompare, contrast and analyze connections: text to text (information and relationships in various fiction and non-fiction works)

Objective Notes/Essential Questions

6/15/2010 11:58:32 AMGuiding questions to be asked during reading:
1. Predict the ways in which the story of the three convicts hint at what's going to happen in this story.      
2. What can you infer about a character who is "greatly satisfied" with this sort of life?      
3. Explain why the ship might be sailing so close to the lighthouse.
4. Identify the words that create a sense of danger and a feeling of anxiety about what will happen next.
5. What hint does Itchoua's statement give about the reason for the ship's behavior?     
6. Predict what you think the rest of the story will be about. 
7. In what way does the story about the two dogs hint at the main conflict of this story? 
8.  Express the sensory images the narrator uses in order to vividly convey the horror of the situation.    
9.  Predict if you think the rats will eventually get into the lighthouse.  Explain why or why not?      
10. Explain if the men are justified in committing this "breach" of their service.
11. What question is in your mind at this point in the story?
12. What makes this a suspenseful part of the story?
13. The men have gone two days without food, do you now predict they will survive?