

Local Objective

At the end of this unit, students will be able to...

a. Understand the function of the pronoun.

b. Identify the pronoun in a sentence.

c. Use pronouns correctly as subjects of sentences, particularly compound sentences.

d. Use pronouns correctly after state-of-being verbs.

e. Use pronouns correctly as objects in sentences, particularly in compound objects.

f. Use we and us correctly.

g. Identify possessive pronouns and use them correctly.

Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

Informal Evaluation-Teacher will observe during class discussions and Smartboard activity to identify if students can understand the function of a pronoun, identify pronouns, use pronouns correctly as subjects of sentences, choose the correct pronoun used after state-of-being verbs, use pronouns correctly as objects, use we and us correctly, and identify possessive pronouns.

Independent Activities-Daily assignments will be made as necessary after guided practice is accomplished and achieved. Students will be able to understand the function of a pronoun, identify pronouns, use pronouns correctly as subjects of sentences, choose the correct pronoun used after state-of-being verbs, use pronouns correctly as objects, use we and us correctly, and identify possessive pronouns.

End of Unit Exam-Unit Exam will determine if students can correctly understand the function of a pronoun, identify pronouns, use pronouns correctly as subjects of sentences, choose the correct pronoun used after state-of-being verbs, use pronouns correctly as objects, use we and us correctly, and identify possessive pronouns.

Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
End of Unit ExamCR
Daily Independent ActivitiesCR

Learning Activity

The students will:

1. Using a picture downloaded from the internet, list what you see in the picture. Take your list and replace all nouns with pronouns. 

2. Using a paragraph copied from a magazine about a famous athlete, read the article and underline all the pronouns. 

3. Participate in the discussion about how to determine the correct pronouns to use as subjects by viewing several examples on the board and discussing which one sounds the best. 

4. Do several examples on the markerboard.  Understand that pronouns used after linking verbs are the same ones used as subjects. After class discussion, choose the correct pronoun used after state-of-being verbs.

5. Write a short paragraph including six sentences using pronouns in compound subjects about you and three friends going on a hiking trip. The paragraph should describe the preparations needed to go on this trip. In this paragraph, use pronouns correctly as objects.

6. Discuss the difference between a subject and an object. 

7. Look at several examples that include possessive pronouns. Observe that possessive pronouns do not use apostrophes. Identify the possessive pronouns and use them correctly.

8.  Take a unit exam over pronouns.

Instructional Method

The teacher will:

1. Using a picture downloaded from the internet, have students list what they see in the picture. This picture should be of several people doing an activity (ex. a crowd at a sporting event, dance club, etc.) Help students to take their list and replace all nouns with pronouns. Students will be able to understand the function of a pronoun.

2. Give students a paragraph copied from a magazine about a famous athlete. Have students read the article and underline all the pronouns. This shows that the student can identify pronouns.

3. Help students determine the correct pronouns to use as subjects by writing several examples on the board and discussing which one sounds the best. Point out that in compound subjects containing I, it is a matter of courtesy to put the other person's name first.

4. Students will be guided by doing several examples on the markerboard. Students will soon see that pronouns used after linking verbs are the same ones used as subjects. After class discussion, students should be able to choose the correct pronoun used after state-of-being verbs.

5. Students will write a short paragraph including six sentences using pronouns in compound subjects about them and three friends going on a hiking trip. The paragraph should describe the preparations needed to go on this trip. Using this paragraph, help students use pronouns correctly as objects in their sentences.

6. In order for students to use we and us correctly, they must know the difference between a subject and an object. Once this concept is mastered, students should be able to use we and us correctly.

7. Students need to have an understanding of the term possessive. As guided practice, the students should look at several examples that included possessive pronouns. Point out that possessive pronouns do not use apostrophes. After the guided practice and discussion, students should be able to identify the possessive pronouns and use them correctly.

8. Students will take a unit exam over pronouns.

Content Standards

CA 1, CA 4

Process Standards


Equity/Workplace Readiness

MSIP CodeMSIP Indicator


Picture for Smartboard

Magazine Article about an Athlete


Correction Exercise

Additional Exercises Available


Enrichment Exercise

Other Writing Activites such a re-write a comic strip using pronouns, etc.

Special Needs

Peer Coaching


GLEs v1.0

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/2/2/D/07/aCommunication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed text using standard English conventionsParts of SpeechGrade 7Use parts of speech correctly in written text - pronouns and antecedents - consistent verb tense

GLEs v2.0 and CLEs

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/W/2/C/7/eCommunication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed textOrganization and Sentence Structure7th GradeCompose text with cohesive devices, especially transitions
CA/W/2/D/7/a.Communication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed textWord Choice7th GradeCompose text using precise and vivid language
CA/W/2/E/7/c.Communication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed textConventions7th GradeIn written text, use correct agreement of pronoun and antecedent, and consistent verb tense