
Technical Directions--How To Change a Flat Tire

Local Objective

At the end of this unit, students will be able to...

a.  Follow technical directions.


Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

1.  The students will be assessed by participating in classroom discussions and completing independent activities on the objective of following technical directions.

2.  At the end of the selection, students will complete a selection test to evaluate the mastery of following technical directions.

Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
Selection TestPE
"Following Technical Directions" QuestionsCR

Learning Activity

The students will:

1.  Quickwrite about a time when you have had to take charge during an emergency such as a power failure or a sudden kitchen-sink flood.  Did you know what to do?  Share a story.

2.  Read the informational text entitled "How To Change A Flat Tire."  Participate in discussions during the reading.  Follow technical directions.

3.  Complete a "Following Technical Directions" set of questions. (page 908)

4.  Complete a study guide.

5.  Take a selection test of the "Following Technical Directions".

Instructional Method

The teacher will:

1.  Guide students as they quickwrite about a time when they have had to take charge during an emergency such as a power failure or a sudden kitchen-sink flood.   Encourage students to think about what they did or didn't do.  Guide class discussions.

2.  Guide students as they read the informational text entitled "How To Change A Flat Tire."  Guide class discussions throughout the reading.  Help students to follow technical directions.

3.  Discuss and model how to complete the "Following Technical Directions" set of questions.

4.  Discuss the study guide for the selection test.

Content Standards

CA 2, CA 3

Process Standards

3.6, 2.4, 1.7, 1.5, 3.5, 3.4, 1.6, 3.1, 4.7

Equity/Workplace Readiness

MSIP CodeMSIP Indicator
R/IResearch/Information Skills


Holt Elements of Literature


Correction Exercise


Peer Coaching

Enrichment Exercise

Independent Reading

Special Needs


Peer Coaching

Modified Assignments

GLEs v1.0

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/1/1/D/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to the reading processFluencyGrade 7Read grade-level instructional text - with fluency, accuracy and appropriate expression - adjusting reading rate to difficulty and type of text
CA/1/3/C/07/aCommunication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals) from a variety of cultures and timesText ElementsGrade 7Use details from text to - summarize author's ideas - make predictions - make inferences - evaluate the accuracy of the information - analyze propaganda techniques - analyze two or more nonfiction texts < sequence events < compare and contrast < find cause effect < compare author s viewpoint and provide support - identify problem solving processes and explain the effectiveness of solutions

GLEs v2.0 and CLEs

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/R/3/A/7/a.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals) from a variety of cultures and timesText Features7th GradeExplain and analyze text features to clarify meaning, emphasizing consumer texts
CA/R/3/D/7/a.Communication ArtsReadingDevelop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (such as biographies, newspapers, technical manuals) from a variety of cultures and timesUnderstanding Directions7th GradeRead and follow multi-step directions to complete a complex task

Objective Notes/Essential Questions

7/6/2010 9:30:23 AM

Guiding Questions:

1. Why can't you leave out the step of putting the brake on?     

2. What is the purpose of illustrations?     

3. Why is this caution important?     

4. Why do you think you should loosen the lug nuts, then jack up the car, then take off the lug nuts, instead of jacking up the car first and removing the lug nuts in one step?      

7/6/2010 9:31:48 AMVisit the local tire shop and  owner "Jebco" to demonstrate tire changing.  Perhaps students could change tires.
**Demonstrate tire balancer too.