
Preposition and Conjunction Usage

Local Objective

At the end of this unit, students will be able to...

a. Understand the function of prepositions.

b. Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences.

c. Identify and use nouns and pronouns as objects of prepositions.

d. Differentiate between the use of a word as a preposition and its use as an adverb.

e. Avoid confusion caused by misplaced prepositional phrases.

f. Understand the function of conjunctions.

g. Identify conjunctions.

Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

Informal Evaluations-Teacher will make observations during all lectures, discussions, and guided practice.

Independent Activities-Students will complete daily assignments after guided practice is accomplished and achieved. In independent practice, students will demonstrate their ability to identify and understand the function of prepositions, identify objects of prepositions, differentiate between a preposition and an adverb, and identify and understand conjunctions.

Unit Exam- Students will take a unit exam over preposition and conjunction usage.

Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
Unit ExamCR
Daily AssignmentsCR

Learning Activity

The students will:

1. Read the sentence on the board (The red telephone in the office rang loudly.)   Identify the words, parts of speech, you know. What word (s) do you not know.  Understand this word is a preposition.

2. Look in Red English book, on page 442 at the list of prepositions. Prepositions show time, location, or people/things in a special relationship. Study each example and identify which relationship it shows.

3. Looking at the variety of sentences on the markerboard, identify the preposition in each sentence, as well as the object. Sometimes sentences will have a prepositional phrase. Practice identifying those as well.

4.  Sometimes a pronoun will functions as the object of a preposition. Practice by using sentences where it is the nouns and the object of the preposition.

5. The hardest part of this unit is deciding if a word is an adverb or if it is a preposition. The only way to decide is to use the word in a sentence. If the word has an object, its probably a preposition, if it doesn't, its probably an adverb.

6. A conjunction is also a type of preposition, but used in a slightly different way. A conjunction is a word that connects words or groups of words.

7. Take a unit exam over prepositions and conjunction usage.

Instructional Method

The teacher will:

1. Begin lesson by writing the following sentence on the board...The red telephone in the office rang loudly. Have students identify the words they know. What will happen, is they will not know the word "in". This will introduce them to the new part of speech--preposition.

2. Prepositions are words that show relationships. A preposition stands before its object. In the red English book, on page 442 is a whole list of prepositions. Prepositions show time, location, or people/things in a special relationship. Go over each example and identify which relationship it shows.

3. Writing a variety of sentences on the markerboard, have students identify the preposition in each sentence, as well as the object. Sometimes sentences will have a prepositional phrase. Practice identifying those as well.

4. Sometimes a pronoun will functions as the object of a preposition. Practice by using sentences where it is the nouns and the object of the preposition.

5. The hardest part of this unit is deciding if a word is an adverb or if it is a preposition. The only way to decide is to use the word in a sentence. If the word has an object, its probably a preposition, if it doesn't, its probably an adverb.

6. A conjunction is also a type of preposition, but used in a slightly different way. A conjunction is a word that connects words or groups of words.

7. Students will take a unit exam over prepositions and conjunction usage.

Content Standards

CA 1

Process Standards

1.6, 2.1, 2.2


McDougal, Littell Basic Skills in English


Correction Exercise


Extra Practice

Special Needs


Peer Coaching

Re-do Assignments

GLEs v1.0

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/2/2/F/07/aCommunication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed text using standard English conventionsSentence ConstructionGrade 7In composing text, use - complex sentences in writing - precise and vivid language - editing to eliminate run-on sentences - cohesive devices