
Interjection Usage

Local Objective

At the end of this unit, students will be able to...

a. Understand the function of interjections.

b. Identify and use interjections correctly.

Objective used to evaluate students


Assessment Activity

Informal Evaluations-Teacher observation will be made during all guided practice. Several sentences and word examples will be used for lecture and student understanding of the function of interjects and identifying those interjections.  Guided practice will occur after each new concept is introduced.

Independent Activities-Daily assignments will be made as necessary after guided practice is accomplished and achieved. In independent practice, students will complete a variety of assignments which will demonstrate their ability to understand the function of interjections and to use interjections correctly.

Level of Expectation


List of concepts and Evaluation Types

ConceptEvaluation Type
Writing AssignmentPE

Learning Activity

The students will:

1. Understand that an interjection is a word or short group of words used to express strong feelings. Interjections may express joy, anger, surprise, or sadness. Interjections are aften followed by an exclamation point.

2.  Identify the interjections and determine which emotion they are expressing.

3.  Properly punctuate the interjection.

4.  Write a short dialogue between two people. This dialogue must include two or three examples of interjections.

Instructional Method

The teacher will:

1. Introduce to students that an interjection is a word or short group of words used to express strong feelings. Interjections may express joy, anger, surprise, or sadness. Interjections are aften followed by an exclamation point.

2. Provide students will several examples of sentences that include interjections. First, have students identify the interjections and determine which emotion they are expressing.

3.  Second, have students properly punctuate the interjection.

4.  Have students write a short dialogue between two people. This dialogue must include two or three examples of interjections.

Content Standards

CA 1

Process Standards

1.6, 2.1, 2.2


McDougal, Littell Basic Skills in English

Correction Exercise

Additional Exercises Available


Modified Assignments

Special Needs

Peer Coaching


Shortened Assignments

GLEs v1.0

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/2/2/F/07/aCommunication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed text using standard English conventionsSentence ConstructionGrade 7In composing text, use - complex sentences in writing - precise and vivid language - editing to eliminate run-on sentences - cohesive devices

GLEs v2.0 and CLEs

GLE CodeDisciplineStrandBig IdeaConceptGrade Level/CourseGLE
CA/W/2/C/7/d.Communication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed textOrganization and Sentence Structure7th GradeCompose text with a variety of sentence structures, including complex sentences
CA/W/2/E/7/b.Communication ArtsWritingCompose well-developed textConventions7th GradeIn written text, use commas and quotation marks in dialogue, and semi-colon in compound sentences

Objective Notes/Essential Questions

6/19/2007 11:06:29 AMWhy should interjections be followed by exclamation marks?      What is an interjections?      Why would people use an interjection in a writing?